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7 Reasons the InstaLift is for you

November 7, 2016



The No-Knife Face-Lift

                        Silhouette InstaLift



7 Reasons I’m integrating the Silhouette InstaLift into my treatment plan for you:

1. Immediate Results

The Silhoutte InstaLift procedure takes about 45 minutes in my office and provides immediate and lifted results.  Your results will get better with time as your collagen is stimulated to lock in lasting results.  Maximum effect is apparent in most patients at 3 months and primary benefits last about 2 years.  The collagen effect may last even longer.

2. No Incisions. No Scars.

Just a small needle puncture into the skin allows me to place a cheek, jawline or neck lifting thread. All with 3 small spots of local anesthetic for each thread.  New medical technology allows absorption of the lifting thread just like any internal suture. This means no permanent suture material remains in your face as your body’s own collagen locks the InstaLift effect in place.

3. Minimal Recovery Time

The Silhouette InstaLift is minimally invasive, does not require anesthesia or sedation and does not leave a scar.  That means little, if any, down time for you.  You can even drive yourself home after the procedure.  Most patients experience only limited bruising, redness or swelling.

4. Safe, Lasting Results

Once the absorbable threads instantly lift and contour your face, the patented product stimulates your own natural collagen to anchor the result.  This means long lasting results, typically couple of years.  The Silhouette InstaLift is FDA approved for safety and peace of mind.

5. Natural, Balanced Results 

Traditional facelift surgery can result in a pulled look which doesn’t move naturally.  The Silhouette InstaLift is different.  The FDA approved special technology and my precise placement allows me to restore soft projection of the original  curve of your cheek – and the angle to your jawline.  This results in a natural, balanced you that will have friends wondering what has you looking so refreshed.

6. We can combine the lift with other treatments the same day to provide maximum results.

The Silhouette InstaLift works synergstically with relaxers, fillers, biostimulators, lights and lasers to give you your most balanced natural positive appearance.  No more pulled or stretched look common with traditional facelift surgery!  The combination of the InstaLift with  other products and procedures allow me to create a subtle but noticably refreshed, natural look.

7. I can maintain and tweak the result of a past surgical facelift that has begun to sag. 

The Silhouette InstaLift can be repeated, as needed, over time keeping you looking refreshed and vibrant.  I can even use the InstaLift to improve and extend the result of past facelift surgery.  The InstaLift is a true breakthrough procedure that forms the foundation of my plan to keep you looking great as we age.  Our secret!

To learn more click here:

Instant Facelift

*We have limited appointments available so please call now.  Louisiana 225-766-0005  Connecticut/New York 203-857-0115

Learn more about Dr. Olson here and remember, Experience Matters.

Dr. Olson has 25 years experience as a cosmetic and reconstructive facial plastic surgeon.  She is Board Certified, Fellowship trained and Associate Clinical Professor Yale University.







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Doctor Olson is board certified and is fellowship trained as an oculofacial plastic surgeon.
Jane Olson, MD
8440 Bluebonnet Blvd, Ste B
Baton Rouge, LA 70810
Phone: 225.766.0005
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