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November 6, 2014

Never heard of “brotox?” You might, soon. Emily Jane Fox from CNN wrote an article “Botox isn’t just for women: Why so many men are ‘Bro-tox’ obsessed”:

“For years, the popularity of Botox has spread from the wrinkle-free foreheads of celebrities to socialites to soccer moms.

But now, more men than ever are flocking to the injectable line-filler, hoping ‘Bro-tox’ will knock a few years off of their appearance.

While creases have always graced men’s faces, dermatologists say there are a number of reasons why so many men are going under the needle now.

A large part of it has to do with the fact that these kinds of aesthetic procedures are becoming more acceptable across the board, according to American Society of Plastic Surgeons president Dr. Scot Glasberg. About 5 million women went for injectables last year, plus a bevy of female stars and famous men from Simon Cowell to Patrick Dempsey have copped to getting them.

But Glasberg said that the financial meltdown has also played a significant role in the rise of men coming in, especially since most of the patients he’s seeing are in their 40s or 50s.

“With the slowdown in 2008, there’s been an element of wanting to look a little younger to get a job more easily,” he said. “First impressions are everything in an interview.”

Dermatologists say that something a bit closer to home is also motivating men. Dr. David Colbert, a sought-after New York City dermatologist and founder of Colbert MD Skincare, said that he’s seen a huge uptick in men coming in for Bro-tox thanks to the women in their lives.

“The thing I hear the most is, ‘my girlfriend or wife says I need to get rid of that line,'” he said. “But I also get guys who see their wife looking so great that the husband will start asking some questions.”

Another driving factor is that the procedure is quick; it can be done during a lunch break, as many men do. Colbert said that there’s very little downtime, especially for men, who he said tend to bruise less than women.”


Doctor Olson specializes in cosmetic facial procedures for men. She has extensive education, training and experience in Eyelid Lift Surgery, taking away lower eyelid bags and upper eyelid sags that give the appearance of fatigue and age. As a Faculty Trainer, Doctor Olson teaches other doctors how to artistically use BOTOX® and JUVEDERM® and SCULPTRA® to achieve a natural, youthful look-without the downtime, discomfort and expense of a surgical facelift!

In an In-office setting, Doctor Olson uses BOTOX® to reduce the deep brow and forehead furrows that may communicate an angry unapproachable appearance. Doctor Olson understands that using BOTOX® for men requires maintenance of a “T-shaped brow” to preserve a masculine appearance. She will combine BOTOX® with facial fillers, such as JUVEDERM®, PERLANE®, RADIESSE® and SCULPTRA®, to reduce facial hollowness and sagging associated with aging. The same products and techniques are equally effective in significantly reducing “crow’s feet”, that tell-tale sign of male aging. State-of-the-art laser and chemical skin treatments can also be used to reduce the effects of sun damage and aging on your facial skin surface.


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Doctor Olson is board certified and is fellowship trained as an oculofacial plastic surgeon.
Jane Olson, MD
8440 Bluebonnet Blvd, Ste B
Baton Rouge, LA 70810
Phone: 225.766.0005
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