The article “Raise Your Hand for an Engagement Selfie” in the New York Times follows 30 year old Marie Valencis’ pursuit of the perfect selfie of her recently engaged hand. She felt her hand looked scaly with a few sunspots and wanted a hand makeover. In her quest for the perfect selfie of her diamond adorned hand, she contracted for a series of light treatment (IPL), chemical peel treatments, and Juvederm Voluma.
In the hands of a skilled specialized physician you can achieve fabulous results with little downtime or discomfort. Dr. Olson is a Fellowship trained Board Certified Ophthalmic Facial Plastic Surgeon. She has been a National Faculty Trainer for Allergan (Botox, Juvederm), Medecis (Restylane,Perlane), and Sonofe Aventis (Sculptra) with over 18 years of clinical cosmetic experience. Dr. Olson believes that using combination therapy treatments will give your hands a smooth, plump, and youthful appearance. Call Dr Jane Olson for your consultation.
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