As both an academic and a practicing surgeon, Doctor Olson keeps abreast of the latest advancements in her field. When taking care of patients, Doctor Olson takes the necessary time to assess their desires, decide on the most appropriate treatment plan for that individual, and then see the person through the entire process of aesthetic improvement. In many cases she does so by using a combination of surgery, fillers, BOTOX, lights, lasers and medical skin care. "Fillers can often provide what surgery can't, and vice versa," she says. No matter what the treatment plan is, all of Doctor Olson's services are provided in an approachable, friendly and caring manner. Doctor Olson personally treats all her patients.
Curriculum Vitae
Physician, Surgeon: Connecticut, Louisiana
Fellow, American Society of Ophthalmic
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ASOPRS)
Board Certified – American Board of Ophthalmology
National Board of Medical Examiners
Past Director of Oculoplastic and Orbital Surgery, Department of Ophthalmology, Yale University School of Medicine
Associate Examiner, American Board of Ophthalmology
Past Executive Board: American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery ASOPRS
National Education Faculty for Allergan (BOTOX®, Juvederm®, Latisse®, Vivite®, Prevage®, Clinique® Medial)
National Faculty Trainer for Medicis (Restylane®, Perlane®)
National Faculty Trainer Sanofe Aventis (Sculptra®)
University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine
Undergraduate: University of Chicago
Fellowship, Oculofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery:
The University of Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary, Chicago, IL with Allen Putterman, MD
Ophthalmology Residency: The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Internship: Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
BOTOX®: Injector since 1991
Fillers: Advanced injector (see ) JuvedermTM Ultra, JuvedermTM Ultra Plus, Restylane®, Perlane®, Radiesse®, Sculptra®.
Laser Blepharoplasty, Laser Skin Resurfacing and Rejuvenation, Ptosis Repair, Orbital Surgery Reconstruction of Eyelids
Facial Plastic Surgery; Invited Discussion, Soft Tissue Augmentation using RESTYLANE, May 2004, Vol.20 #20
Techniques of Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery; A case Study Approach – 2004 Lippincott Williams and Williams – Subcillary Skin versus Subconjunctival Approach
Dr. Olson JJ. Balanced Botox Chemodenervation of the Upper Face: Symmetry in Motion
Seminars in Plastics Surgery/Volume 21,Number 21 2007 Olson JJ: Lower Eyelid Cosmetic Blepharoplasty, book chapter
American Academy of Ophthalmology Achievment Award for distinguished service and teaching. 2008
Oculoplastic Surgery Clinic and Surgery West Haven Veterans Administration
Baton Rouge Botox Doctor
Baton Rouge Sculptra Doctor
Baton Rouge Eyelid Surgeon