We all have missed or deferred injectable treatments since elective medical visits have come to a halt due to Covid-19.
This holiday or increased time since your last injection may not be such a bad thing and certainly won’t be detrimental. The time off allows your facial features to return to baseline giving us the opportunity to have a fresh look and plan.
A worried and perhaps negative expression is starting to return since Botox/ Dysport (neuromodulators) have worn off. Etched lines in the skin are seen from repetitive movement. When you have your Botox treatment it will take effect in the first week or two, restoring the desired facial balance and more pleasant expression. Etched lines will gradually resolve but can be treated in combination with laser, microneedling and topical skin care such as Defenage to activate baby stem cells and speed repair.
Older gel filler (hyaluronic acids such as the Juvederms and Restylanes) may dissipate and occasionally become more superficial in areas of more movement around the eyes and lips. This is a good time to melt or reverse sculpt old filler or filler that looks weird or “done”. Filler treatments must be extremely precise and judicious to be undetectable and enhance facial beauty and balance. I frequently see patients who received ill-placed treatment which has created an odd imbalance or restrict movement of the face. In these cases I reverse sculpt and melt the filler to reconstruct a more ideal facial shape and expression. This is common in the under eye area. I use Hylenex or hyaluronidase enzyme to remove incorrectly placed or migrated filler and start anew. In some cases I am able to leave the filler but add to other key areas to achieve a harmonious balance.
The best result is gradual and layered with several visits to allow for the filler to integrate and work its magic before the next treatment. Once we are both happy with the restoration or beautification we can maintain the result over time. My goal is to help you achieve the best version of yourself. This can depend on your goals, lifestyle, type of work, age, etc. For example, a male attorney in his fifties may wish to restore and enhance a strong masculine jawline and chin but maintain a genuine likable trustworthy expression. A woman in her early thirties may desire pre-juvenation and beauty enhancement with an “editorial” look — more dramatic cheeks and lips for social media photos similar to what she might only be able to achieve with editing apps. A female physician and mom in her 40’s may wish to restore lost bone to reduce sagging and etched caricature lines, look less tired and more engaged and vibrant.
Now we have a long lasting correction that may be maintained. I do believe that a bespoke and gradual treatment plan is safer and more effective for a long term happy healthy patient. Your injectable treatment break provides an opportunity to achieve even better results with a fresh start.