Do your eyes say what you want them to? Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure to improve and rejuvenate the appearance of the upper and lower eyelids. The actual procedure that is performed is individualized according to specific condition and appearance of your eyelids.
Over time, age, heredity and too much time in the sun makes the skin around our eyes begin to show signs of damage and deflation, making us look tired, older and listless. Even gravity can conspire to sag the delicate skin and eyelid position. The upper eyelid blepharoplasty can be done alone or with other procedures such as a lower lid lift, muscle tuck (ptosis repair) or forehead lift. If the eyebrows are drooping, a forehead lift might enhance the results. A lower eyelid blepharoplasty is used to remove or reposition the fat bulges and loose skin of the bottom eyelids. Many factors, including heredity, smoking and sun damage accelerate these changes. You may appear tired, sad, and older than you feel. Lower eyelid surgery will correct this, leaving you with a more youthful contour and alert appearance.
Eyelid surgery may be performed at any age and all times of the year in the office based setting. 99 percent of surgeons are NOT eye specialists – ASOPRS surgeons are extensively trained and experienced oculofacial surgeons.