Broad Band Light (BBL)/Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy consists of a series of 4 to 6 treatments in which a broad spectrum of light is transmitted through a small, smooth transparent handpiece gently placed over the skin. BBL/IPL passes through the top layer of skin (epidermis) and penetrates to the deeper layer (dermis) where blood vessels, pigment cells, and collagen are found. Because the epidermis is unharmed, the severe redness and peeling associated with traditional laser skin resurfacing is avoided.The gentle, non-ablative treatments can be used to treat the face, chest, neck and hands — virtually anywhere that sun damage shows. Intense pulsed light also reduces brown spots, erases broken capillaries, smoothes roughly textured skin, and diminishes flushing or redness of the face associated with Rosacea. BBL/IPL treatment is ideal for patients with active lifestyles as it requires no downtime and has a low risk of side effects.
Patients treated with Forever Young BBL/IPL over the past nine years:
– appeared not to have aged over the nine years
– looked ten years younger than their actual age
– saw immediate results with pigmented lesions
– such as freckles and aged spots
– noticed immediate results with vascular lesions
– such as red blemishes including spider veins and rosacea
– noticed immediate results with skin texture
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