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Surgery or Liquid Face Lift

May 28, 2013
State of the art technique, technology and products allow us to maintain a fresh and youthful appearance at every age. Combination therapy with laser skin treatment, Botox, injectable volume enhancers and minimally invasive facial surgery is the contemporary “facelift”. In the hands of a skilled specialized physician you can achieve fabulous results with little downtime or discomfort. Dr. Olson realizes your face reveals your first impression.
Article from New Beauty:

Injectables, fillers and surgery all have their place. So how do you know when to make the switch from inejctables and fillers to surgery or vice versa? Your doctor may suggest fillers or injectables with or following surgery to maintain a younger look and restore youth .

When to Choose Fillers
When there is initial gauntness in the face, especially in the cheeks, filler is necessary. It helps ‘putty up’ those lines and wrinkles and is a good option when there’s no loose skin,” says Troy, MI, plastic surgeon Tony Youn, MD.

When to Choose Surgery
According to La Jolla, CA, plastic surgeon Robert Singer, MD, if injectables and fillers have left you looking puffy, swollen or ‘doughy’, they may not be doing the job. “They’re great for adding volume and filling in lines but they can’t fix loose skin like surgery can,” he says.

Each part of the face ages at a different rate, which is why you should tend to changes as they occur. “You need to be selective as to what you have done and when you do it,” says Englewood, NJ, facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Geoffrey Tobias. “If you only focus on your eyes and not the brows or upper cheeks, your surgeries may be doing you a disservice. You don’t want a disjunction between one feature and another,” he says. “Addressing each feature at the right time—when changes are noticeable—allows the face to age as a whole,” says Dr. Youn.

Credit: Thinkstock

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Doctor Olson is board certified and is fellowship trained as an oculofacial plastic surgeon.
Jane Olson, MD
8440 Bluebonnet Blvd, Ste B
Baton Rouge, LA 70810
Phone: 225.766.0005
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