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Restylane EYELIGHT is here!

July 18, 2023
Restylane EYELIGHT

Wondering if Restylane Eyelight will be your answer to dark circles and tired appearance under your eyes? Dr Jane Olson has written a paper on under eye Restylane filler, treated this problem since 2004 and is an expert in treatment around the delicate eye area.

Restylane EYELIGHT is a recently FDA-approved gel filler that is specifically designed for aesthetic treatments of the lower eyelids and tear troughs. Restylane EYELIGHT is a hyaluronic gel with a unique cross-linking that optimizes stability and durability but doesn’t attract too much swelling.  Dr Jane Olson eye expert in Baton Rouge says it is the next generation of Restylane, her favorite to treat mild to moderate  under eye hollows which create dark circles and a tired appearance.

Ideal candidates for Restylane EYELIGHT treatment are those who are not ready for a surgical procedure but nevertheless wish to address their under eye concerns. These patients must have good skin quality and show evidence of under eye hollows, dark circles and shadows that are amenable to Restylane EYELIGHT treatment. It is important to note that this product is only suited for use in the tear trough area and is not indicated if you have puffs of fat which would best be corrected with eyelid blepharoplasty surgery or eyelid lift in Baton Rouge.

Dr Olson is an advanced injector with The injection technique that is used for treatment with Restylane EYELIGHT which is the micro cannula technique. This technique involves introducing a microcannula, or small, flexible tube, containing the filler material into the injection site through a very small puncture wound in the skin. This technique results in significantly less pain and trauma than traditional methods of injection and is thought to be safer and more effective with less bruising than traditional methods.

Before treatment with Restylane EYELIGHT, it is essential to carefully assess the patient’s medical history and conduct a thorough physical examination with an oculofacial plastic surgeon highly trained in the area around the eyes. It is also important to ensure that the patient understands the risks and potential side effects associated with the product and that they have realistic expectations for the procedure and the results. Look for an ASOPRS surgeon an oculofacial specialist.

During the treatment session, a local anesthetic may be applied in the form of a cream or injection. Once the area is numbed, the filler material is injected into the lower eyelid and tear trough area using the microcannula technique. The volume of product used is determined by the patient’s specific needs, and the procedure is relatively quick. Patients can expect to experience minor swelling and bruising at the injection site that should resolve within a few days.

Once the treatment is complete, patients can expect to notice a significant reduction in  dark circles, and other signs of aging, with results lasting 9 months or longer. It is important to note that Restylane EYELIGHT does not address skin laxity or sagging skin. Patients should refrain from engaging in any strenuous physical activity for 24 hours after their treatment and should also be sure to protect the area from the sun. If you have wrinkled skin Dr Olson will often pair her customized laser treatment for the delicate eyelid skin rejuvenation.


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Doctor Olson is board certified and is fellowship trained as an oculofacial plastic surgeon.
Jane Olson, MD
8440 Bluebonnet Blvd, Ste B
Baton Rouge, LA 70810
Phone: 225.766.0005
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