Kybella has proven most popular among professional men.
New York Post’s Lindsay Putnam writes ‘Men in suits are lining up to have their double chins removed’.
New double chin-blasting drug Kybella has proven most popular among professional men.
Some people inherit their father’s baby blues, or their mother’s blond hair. What did Kristian inherit from his parents? A double chin. “I’m the youngest of four children, and there’s a hereditary gene of having, what I like to call, no neck,” explains the 34-year-old actor from Chelsea.
“I’m very self-conscious about [my double chin]. I think it’s a lot harder for guys. Everybody makes jokes that I have no neck, no chin. My sister Becky really comes down on me about it,” laments Kristian, who took notice of his unsightly facial feature when he started college. “I’m 6-foot-2 and 175 pounds, I run and work out every day, I eat right – but it won’t give me the results I want.”
“I just don’t like it. I don’t like looking like a turkey.” After 16 years of hating his meaty mandible, Kristian finally decided to do something about it. Three weeks ago, he got his first treatment of Kybella, a newly available, injectable drug backed by the FDA that claims to melt fat underneath the chin. And he’s hardly the first guy to seek out the instant chin-fixer.
Kybella, which was created by Kythera Biopharmaceuticals Inc., was approved by the FDA in an overwhelming 17-0 vote in April. The drug is made from deoxycholic acid, a chemical produced in the body to help absorb fats. When injected into the fat below the chin, known as submental fat, it destroys fat cells, which are reabsorbed by the body. Patients can receive up to 50 injections in a single session, with as many as six sessions total, coming at least one month apart. The average treatment lasts 30 minutes for the first appointment, and 15 to 20 minutes for each subsequent one.
The larger a patient’s double chin, the more appointments are required to fix it.
Reasons for deeming a patient unsuitable for Kybella include risk factors such as smoking, steroid use, diabetes and poor skin quality, as they contribute to bad wound healing and recovery.
Of course, men aren’t the only ones seeking slimmer chins.
Kristian was thrilled with his results. “I feel more confident. People notice it and think that I’m just losing weight. It can change your life.” He’s planning to receive between two and four treatments of Kybella before his chin recedes to a more photogenic appearance. He has no regrets about his decision.
As a facial surgeon, Dr. Olson has the experience and knowledge of facial anatomy. Dr. Olson is now offering Kybella treatments!
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