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Protect your skin with Vitamin C

June 11, 2013

Revision's Vitamin C is quickly becoming a patient favorite in our office!  Having a Vitamin C is a MUST in your skin care routine.  Dr. Olson lists this as one of the more important products to have in your skin care routine.  Vitamin C fights free radicals and stimulates collagen growth.

OK Magazine and Ciara agree with us! 

Celeb singers like Ciara are always under the spotlight. No, they really are. Today’s hot artists aren’t singing their catchy tunes in a dark room without an audience while wearing their sweats and hoodies. These celebs are out on stage under the lights for everyone to see. So we see their costumes, you know, and their skin. And guess what? It’s always flawless. Is this a surprise to anyone else? Didn’t think so.

OK! News: Skincare Tips for Guys!

So now you know why we get so giddy when we learn about the products that the celebs are lovin’. Nobody likes a blemish! There's room for more excitement, as we just got the deets on another celebrity skincare treasure. 

Ciara uses Revision Skincare’s Vitamin C Lotion 30% to keep her skin lookin' cute. The product helps to keep wrinkles and dark spots hidden. It also brightens your skin and protects it from major negatives like UV rays. 


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Doctor Olson is board certified and is fellowship trained as an oculofacial plastic surgeon.
Jane Olson, MD
8440 Bluebonnet Blvd, Ste B
Baton Rouge, LA 70810
Phone: 225.766.0005
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