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Forever Young BBL

July 12, 2013

What if there were a treatment that could slow down the aging clock and keep you forever young?

Forever Young BBL is an innovative technology that uniquely delivers light therapy targeting the signs of aging and sun damage which effectively provides a more refreshed, rejuvenated youthful appearance.  This light based treatment treats a wide variety of conditions.  You will see immediate results for multiple conditions: brown spots, erases broken capillaries, smoothes roughly textured skin, and diminishes flushing or redness of the face associated with Rosacea.  Patients that have been treated with Forever Young BBL over the past 9 years have noticed:

-appeared not to have aged over the nine years

-looked 10 years younger that their actual age

This gentle, non-ablative treatments can be used to treat the face, chest, neck and hands — virtually anywhere that sun damage shows.  Forever Young BBL treatments are ideal for patients with active lifestyles as it requires no downtime and has a low risk of side effects.  Call today to see if this is the best treatment for you!


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Doctor Olson is board certified and is fellowship trained as an oculofacial plastic surgeon.
Jane Olson, MD
8440 Bluebonnet Blvd, Ste B
Baton Rouge, LA 70810
Phone: 225.766.0005
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