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Does Skin Tone Influence Perception of Age?

March 4, 2015

Scientists at the Ludwig-Boltzmann Institute and the University of Goettingen, have shown skin tone can add or subtract to a woman’s perceived age. A woman’s facial skin color distribution does in fact influence perception of health, age and attractiveness.

Wrinkles aren’t the only cue the human eye looks for to evaluate age. Researchers were able to determine exactly what impact facial skin tone has on how young, healthy and attractive people perceive women to be. Tone variances can be caused by several factors including cumulative UV damage (freckles, moles, age spots) natural aging (yellowing,dullness) and skin vascularization (redness).The researchers took digital photos of 169 caucasion women between the ages of 10 to 70. They used specialized software to “drape” each subjects facial skin over a standardized model, taking 169 different skin tones and applying them to a common canvas. Faces with a more even skin tone were judged to look as much as 10 to 20 years younger.

Studies show regular maintenance treatments using Forever Young BBL keep skin looking young and healthy and delays the skin aging process. You will see immediate results for skin rejuvenation such as: pigmented lesions(such as age spots and freckles), vascular lesions(such as red blemishes, including spider veins and rosacea), skin texture, and acne.

Combining effective and preventative skin care with regular Forever Young BBL/IPL and mid depth Peels, you will achieve that beautiful, healthy, glowing skin you have been searching for.

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Doctor Olson is board certified and is fellowship trained as an oculofacial plastic surgeon.
Jane Olson, MD
8440 Bluebonnet Blvd, Ste B
Baton Rouge, LA 70810
Phone: 225.766.0005
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