BOTOX® or DYSPORT® are the treatments of choice for the dynamic wrinkles, the movement-related lines and grooves in your face. Everyone has a different pattern of facial expression, in time, wrinkles in the skin form even when we are not moving, and become like caricature lines. A tiny amount of BOTOX precisely injected, relaxes specific muscles and allows the body’s own collagen to regenerate in those lines formed from repetitive movement. BOTOX can be used so artfully so as to have a subtle softening effect that is neither obvious nor takes away our ability to communicate.
New study finds Botox may have long-term skin benefits.…/study-finds-botox-long-term-skin-be…
Doctor Olson is board certified and is fellowship trained as an oculofacial plastic surgeon. As a facial surgeon, Doctor Olson has the experience and knowledge of facial anatomy. She knows the subtleties of the face and how you can reach your aesthetic goals.
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