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February 9, 2016

The aging face has common changes that are easy to spot. Any plan to address them needs to take into account the multiple structural layers of the face and how they work together for facial harmony. Conversations about aging need to be more than skin deep.

The aging face, from the 30’s to 50’s:

  • Bony features, lines, and wrinkles are more visible
  • Forehead lines become more prominent
  • Lines from the sides of the nose the the corners of the mouth are more noticeable
  • Cheeks lose fat, thus losing their fullness
  • Loose skin is apparent at the midface
  • Changes occur in the area around the mouth, including vertical wrinkles, lip thinning, and flattening
  • Development of prejowl depressions, also known as marionette lines, form from the corners of the mouth to the chin

Over time, the face loses bone and collagen, and fat is redistributed. It helps to think of your face from every angle when you consider the effects of aging. The three main structural areas that are affected are skin, fat, and bone. Changes in any one of these structural layers affect the other layers.

As skin ages, the middle layer of the skin thins because of collagen loss, which means that the skin is more dry, less supple, less elastic, and thinner. With less collagen, the skin is less able to retain moisture. Reversing the signs of aging depends on reversing the signs of structural decline, including collagen loss and the loss of volume.

While every face is different and individual changes vary, there are common changes associated with aging such as distortions to the balance, proportion, and symmetry found in the youthful face. Addressing these changes begins with a plan focused on rebuilding a more youthful-looking facial harmony.

Reversing the structural signs of aging starts with a facial assessment. Dr. Olson is board certified and is fellowship trained as an oculofacial plastic surgeon. She is a fellow of the prestigious American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ASOPRS), Associate Clinical Professor Yale University, University of Chicago trained. 25 years of expertise practicing and teaching facial cosmetic injectables, laser and surgery. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING MATTER!

Here is a video that shows what we can accomplish with the combination of lights, lasers, Botox, volume, and eyelid preserving surgery.

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Doctor Olson is board certified and is fellowship trained as an oculofacial plastic surgeon.
Jane Olson, MD
8440 Bluebonnet Blvd, Ste B
Baton Rouge, LA 70810
Phone: 225.766.0005
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